Saturday, 3 October 2009

Virulent Homophobe Behind Palin Memoir


Sarah Palin's soon-to-be-released memoir was mostly written by Lynn Vincent, a woman blogger Andrew Sullivan calls a "fanatical homophobe."

In his blog on, Sullivan pulls quotes from pieces Vincent wrote for Christian publications that declared gay people have trampled on the constitutional rights of free speech by pushing for marriage equality. Vincent also apparently believes that in years past people routinely "brushed off fleeting thoughts of homosexual behavior," but gay activists have encouraged people to follow those thoughts with "exploration and action."

The outspoken gay blogger and pundit also takes umbrage with Jonathan Burnham, who does marketing for HarperCollins, the publisher of Palin's book, expected in spring 2010. Sullivan writes, "Jonathan Burnham -- wait for it -- is an openly gay man... As gay people prepare to march for their civil rights, Burnham, one of the more powerful gay men in New York, is preparing to capitalize on their avowed enemies. It's just money, after all."

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