Saturday 11 July 2009

7 Reasons Why He Didn't Call

Didn't call You have been talking to guy online for a week now. You have great conversations and seem to have a lot in common. He makes you laugh and you always get excited when you are able to catch him online for a chat. You finally make plans to get together.

You meet up for a dinner. You feel the conversation is flowing just like online. You are having a great time and it appears he is enjoying himself as well. You laugh, you flirt, and you tease. It is a great date and things are going so well. By the end of the night you say your goodbyes and he smiles and says, "I will give you a call soon."

You drive home thinking of your great date, you are so excited for the next and now you wait for the call.

The call which never comes...

Why didn't he call?

1. Maybe it was a bad date - Did you talk too much about yourself? Were you rude or demanding? Did you talk abut your ex or sex too much? Who knows what made it a bad date but maybe he really didn't have a good time. Maybe he is "just not that into you".

2. Maybe it was too good of a date - You guys really had chemistry and he really likes you but he is not ready to jump into dating right now. Maybe he is still thinking about his ex. Maybe he is just wanting to keep it casual. Maybe he is just scared.

3. Maybe he is a player - He might just enjoy the hunt of dating and once the first date is over he loses interest. Maybe you are not the only one he has been talking to. Maybe you did or didn't have sex with him so he is over spending time with you.

4. Maybe he is already in a relationship - Many men (straight and gay) are in committed relationships where they are not happy. They are planning to leave their partner but are scared to make the jump. They start dating first to see if they can find someone, see how scary dating is again or even have someone else so they are not alone first. Either way, this can cause them not to call because of fear, besides they already have another man at home.

5. Maybe he is saving you from trouble - Sometimes when a guy doesn't call it is the best thing for you. Maybe he got busy or just forgot but this is saving from you continuing dating a guy who really isn't committed or a guy who would just bring you a lot of trouble. Sometimes fate saves you from yourself and TROUBLE. Sometimes there are things we do not know about this person yet and we are lucky we never will.

6. Maybe he fell into the "man pit" - A lot of my clients struggle with men not calling back. I have suggested that the date was great and they so wanted to call but as they were leaving the date they happened to trip and fall into a giant pit with all the other guys who do not call back. There isn't cell service down there but they have a DJ and open bar so the guys forget all about the date. I think a lot of my clients hope one day they fall in this "pit" as well.

7. Maybe he is just a jerk - Let's be honest, he could just simply be an ass who lied about wanting to call or really just forgot all about it because of the new shiny object that got his attention. Is it poor manners? SURE. Does that make you feel better? No.

I could come up with TONS more reasons why he didn't call you. I am sure you have run at least 10 more in your head. Some of you even called him and left a message but didn't receive a return one. Either way, the reality is that he did not call.

The reasons for him not calling are not important. The date, the experience, the opportunity is now in the past. There is nothing you can do to change it. What can you do is move on. As everyone knows, there are thousands of men online to talk to. Beating yourself up about this one or giving up is not an option.

If you do give up, you will miss out on the opportunity to get the guy who does call back. Yes it might shock you when it happens but when it happens, you will know it was all worth it.

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