Monday 13 July 2009

S.F. Penguin Couple Calls It Quits

S.F. Penguin Couple Calls It Quits

After six years together, the San Francisco Zoo’s famed gay penguin couple Harry and Pepper have called it quits -- and according to The San Francisco Examiner, a woman came between them.

Harry and Pepper made headlines when they adopted an egg laid by another penguin. Zookeepers allowed the penguin pair to incubate the egg last year.

“Of all the parents that year, they were the best,” zookeeper Anthony Brown told the Examiner. “They took very good care of their chick.”

Then along came Linda, whose longtime mate Fig passed away earlier this year. Things got so heated, Pepper had to be placed in a separate exhibit while Harry and Linda nested.

Brown said in July and August, during molting season, “we see couples getting shaken up. It'll be interesting to see if Harry spends any of that time with Pepper.”

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